The police of Bhind district have registered a case against the executive directors of Amazon India after busting a racket of selling hemp online. It is alleged that narcotics were being sold under the guise of selling sweetener through e-commerce platform Amazon. The police of Bhind district located in Madhya Pradesh had busted the online hemp sale racket, after which the police of Bhind district also registered a case against the executive directors of Amazon India on Saturday.
Madhya pradesh police alleges the narcotics are being sold under the guise of selling this sweetener via the e-commerce platform Amazon. Police also say that they have booked senior officials of Amazon’s local unit under the Narcotics Act on charges of drug trafficking.
The Madhya Pradesh Police also arrested two people on November 14 with 20 kg of ganja in a drug case, from where the police came to know that these people were smuggling narcotics and sending them to different states. Was using Amazon. According to the statement of Madhya Pradesh Police, Amazon India under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act All the executive directors have been charged.
The police of Madhya Pradesh also say that there was a huge difference in the facts revealed in the answers to the questions asked by them and through the documents and answers provided. But, the police has not yet disclosed that against how many officers an FIR has been registered.
The state police had earlier questioned the matter by warning Amazon officials. It is estimated that approximately 10,000 kg of cannabis has been sold through Amazon for approximately $1,48,000.
Amazon had said in its earlier statement that they do not sell any illegal products through their platform, nor do Amazon allow these illegal sales and they are cooperating in this matter.
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Bhind Superintendent of Police Manoj Kumar Singh said that a case under section 38 of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS)FIR has been registered against all the Executive Directors of Amazon working as ASSL in the country. He also said that no other person has been named in the FIR.
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